Sibi Venkatesan


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Hi there! I’m Sibi.

I have a Ph.D. from The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon, in the AutonLab with Artur Dubrawski. My thesis was in Multi-view Machine Learning.

A while back, I was an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, where I worked with Pieter Abbeel in the Robot Learning Lab.

I have several years of academia and industry experience in building ML solutions for research and large-scale real world problems. I have expertise across various ML/Statistical Disciplins including Deep Learning, NLP, Transfer Learning, HYpothesis Testing, etc., and excel at adapting this knowledge for practical applications. I have worked effective with large cross-function teams, including technical and non-technical stakeholders, and excel at communicating and collaborating at different levels of technical detail.

I am currently working as an Applied Scientist at Amazon's Buyer Abuse Prevention Team, where my job is to build ML solutions for combating Customer Abuse of in Amazon's Retail and Business operations.